Delete and Reinstall Old Version
The latest update reverts to the flawed interface of much earlier versions. Scroll wheels are okay for choosing between a very few options, but are ill suited to long lists. Worse, this app puts a vast hierarchical list on each wheel. Rather than pick a category with one wheel, and then be taken to another with its members, one is forced to scroll all categories and all members to find what one wants. Its tedious and confusing.
The old version was far better, because sheets opened showing all the categories concisely. Tapping one then opened another sheet with just those members. Everything was visible and tappable at a glance, with no annoying wheels showing only five items at a time.
Best to delete this and revert to the old version.
Prior Review:
Vast, Fast Catalog * * * * *
Version 4.2 amply delivers on its promise to accellerate all finds. Its insanely fast!
When I wrote a detailed eMail to the author stating what was wrong with the interface in version 4.0, he wrote back promising to fix the problem. He did indeed! My message thanking him for version 4.1:
"Wow, Khoi;
"Thank you! Ive been using the new version of Guitarists Reference and am truly pleased with the button interface. Seemingly millions of chords are all only a few clicks away, in any tuning I want. This is the most comprehensive catalog of guitar chords ever written, far outclassing everything else available."
There are a lot of complaints about the apps appearance or the crowding of a few buttons. They are legitimate, but its obvious at this stage that the developers strength is in modeling the guitar with a vastly complex engine able to find all possible chords in all inversions in all positions in all tunings. Id rate this 4.5 stars if I could for the cosmetic faults, but have chosen instead to ignore the trivialities that will not change and just enjoy the superb engine. It is the finest ever created on any platform, period. This is the greatest guitarists reference in history, inexpensively always available on your iPhone.
Bozocity about
Guitarist's Reference